Insight, Koenig Books

Year: 2011

‘Insight, Micha Bar-Am’s Israel’ captures the public and private photographs of Micha Bar Am.

The exhibition and book were launched at two simultaneous exhibits at the Willy-Brandt-Haus, Berlin and the Tel-Hai Museum of Photography, Israel.

Book credits:
Joseph Jibri, graphic editing, graphic design and print production.

Ruthi Ofek, Director of the Open Museums, Israel

Gisela Kayser, Art Director of Freundeskreis Willy-Brandt-Haus e.v., Berlin

Dr. Alexandra Nocke, Curator of the exhibition Insight: Micha Bar-Am’s Israel in Berlin

Naama Haikin, Curator of the exhibition in Tel-Hai

Publishers: Koenig Books, Germany, and the Open Museums Israel

Printed in Israel.


Joseph Jibri