Green House High School cultivates education by forging new relationships between learning and the logic of agricultural structures found on the site.
Located in the midst of agricultural fields, at the edge of a suburban residential neighbourhood and a teachers campus, the site is undergoing rapid development of housing towers and traffic arteries on its northern and eastern flanks. Our proposal reconfigures the existing agricultural traditions and logics found on the site to create a new educational hub and communal space for Ramat Gan, building on its past for its future process of urbanisation.
A compact high school building serves as an anchor on the north east of the site, enabling access from adjacent public transportation, pedestrian and bike routes from the surrounding neighbourhoods. The sports hall, abutting the existing ‘Ramat Efaal’ teachers school, invites facility sharing, after school hours.
At the urban scale, sports fields, ecological gardens and open spaces offer a new civic amenity, for all visitors, extending the existing tree canopy and a new civic space.
The building organises the educational and administrative program on two levels.
The ground floor houses school-wide auditorium, library, information space, eating hall along with general administration and unit teacher hubs, with the semi-public spaces operating as a public community space after school hours.
The second level houses all educational programs in a single field, with dedicated classrooms and unprescribed open learning spaces.
In collaboration with Architectica.